Posts Tagged ‘healthy weight’

Help! My teenager wants to go vegan

Monday, January 25th, 2021

You want to be … what!?!

If you’re a family of meat-eaters, the announcement may come as a bit of a shock. Your first reaction might be concern: ‘what do vegans eat?’ and ‘is a vegan diet healthy?’ You might be tempted to dismiss it as ‘just a teenage fad’.

Among good company

The reality, however, is that while meat-free diets are growing in popularity right now, it’s actually a dietary choice that’s been around for centuries. From Pythagoras (the Greek mathematician who lived more than 2,500 years ago), to the artist Leonardo da Vinci to Albert Einstein, who adopted a vegetarian diet later in life, announcing that 

“nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution of a vegetarian diet.”

There are plenty of highly respected people – not just Hollywood celebrities! – who advocate going meat-free. 

Health benefits

Veganism takes a vegetarian diet one step further, removing other animal products such as dairy and eggs from the equation. In an era when the environmental effects of dairy farming, for example, are becoming more well-known, it’s not surprising that the vegan lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular. We want the best for our kids – and that includes their health. With 1.2 million New Zealand adults (32%) being obese (figure from the Ministry of Health New Zealand Health Survey 2016/17), and with both the Ministry of Health and the Heart Foundation recommending an emphasis on plant-based sources of protein, there is plenty of evidence that a plant-based diet is a healthy option.

It’s not just about subtraction

It’s not simply a matter of cutting meat and other animal products out of the diet. A plant-based meal plan still needs to include the necessary food groups – for example, replace animal-derived protein with plant-based alternatives, such as legumes (dried peas, beans and lentils), nuts, soy products (such as tofu and tempeh) and certain grains and seeds. All of these alternatives are easy to find in your local supermarket. They’re also easy to prepare. It will just take a little bit of research and forward-planning to become familiar with all the new options after a lifetime of cooking to accommodate meat-eaters!

Make life easier

Subscribing to a plant-based delivery service like Green Dinner Table can make life easier. You’ll get a weekly menu of vegan dishes, recipes and all the ingredients you need delivered to your door. This is a great way to lighten the load, especially if you’re already planning, shopping and cooking for meat-eaters in the family. And you won’t be short of options when it comes to dining out as a family either. There is a good selection of vegan restaurants and cafés in Christchurch, as well as an increasing number of vegan-friendly eateries with choices to suit vegans and meat-eaters alike.

Get your teen in on the action

But, of course, it shouldn’t all fall on you. If your teenager is keen to eat vegan food, it’s a good opportunity to set them up with a lifetime of healthy habits by getting them involved in meal planning and prep. Encourage them to do some research into how to plan a healthy vegan diet, choose some recipes and help with the cooking. And it’s also a great opportunity for the rest of the family to start eating healthier. Make some of the family meals meat-free and boost everyone’s vege intake – after all the New Zealand Health Survey revealed that only 38.8% of New Zealand adults eat the recommended 5+ a day and new research suggests that the 5+ a day recommendation should in fact be increased to 10+ servings per day for the full health benefits fruit and vegetables provide!

Congrats! You’ve raised a thoughtful teen!

So, once you’ve processed the initial surprise of your teenager announcing that they want to go vegan, relax … with a little planning, eating plant-based can be a very healthy choice. And pat yourself on the back, too! You raised a young adult who is thinking about their food choices and trying to make better ones. They might inspire you to do the same!

The Most Important Thing You Do For Your Kids

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

Kids who eat dinner with their family are more resilient, more positive and happier.

Numerous studies show that eating together can help us maintain a healthy weight. This is an excellent time to form healthy habits. In a country where a 12.3% of children (and 66% of adults are overweight and obese), it’s something we need. One study from Stanford University reported that kids who eat family dinners are more likely to eat more fruits and vegetables than those who don’t. Plus, as teens they are less likely to be obese. They are also more likely to keep up their healthy habits once they move out on their on.

But it’s not just about what’s on the plate.

Research suggests that tone you set for dinner time is also important. Parents should approach dinner time with warmth and be ready to engage. Forget fighting over mouthfuls. Controlling, restrictive behaviours is a turn off. Literally kids will stop paying attention; negating the benefits of the dinner ritual.

And forget dinner and a show, researchers found that preschoolers who watched TV during dinner were more likely to be overweight by third grade. Tom’s wife has a firm no phones at the table rule. “She’s unapologetic about enforcing it,” said Tom. While it may be tempting to eat in front of the TV, or check our phones, it takes us out of the moment.

For the littlest members of the family, sharing dinner at the table with parents can help promote language skills. One study found that for young children, dinner time chatter boosted vocabulary more than being read aloud to. Kids who have a large vocabulary read earlier and more easily. So put down Hairy McClary, and sit up at the table together.

Dinner time gives little ones an opportunity to practice patience and dexterity. Social skills are also developed, including manners, taking turns, and trying new things. “I don’t mind if our toddler doesn’t eat everything on the plate,” said Tom. “I just ask her to try it.”

Dinner together isn’t just for the wee ones

One study from Columbia University found that teens who ate with their families were more likely to have better grades. Regular meal time is more powerful than time in school, doing homework, playing sports or doing art. Teens who ate family meals together were twice as likely to get As in school than kids than those who ate dinner together fewer than two times per week. A number of studies link family dinners with lower risk of problem behaviours like smoking, binge drinking, drug use, violence, school issues and eating disorders.

You have a captive audience, so make the most of it.

You can build self-esteem, by reinforcing common values. This is a great time to lay on the praise and build them up! Family members are better able to handle the stresses of daily life, if they can be shared. When we sit down together, we practice our communication skills, our listening skills, and we demonstrate respect. The simple question, “How was your day?” can be just the opener your child needs to share what is significant to them.

Lead by example.

Dinner is a perfect opportunity to divide tasks and deconstruct stereotypes. It’s not a surprise that Tom cooks dinner most nights for his family (he’s too darn good at it!). Often, he’ll let his toddler lend a hand. “She’s pretty good at peeling garlic,” said Tom. “I also give her things to set the table.” His wife leads the clean up crew. At Cole’s house, the roles are reversed. The point is that dinner is a family activity and a shared responsibility amongst all members of the family.

Every meal is an opportunity.

With all the benefits of eating together, it’s worth the effort. Green Dinner Table makes preparing dinner easy. With everything you need to create delicious restaurant style meals, you can focus on creating opportunities to connect with one another, rather than what’s on the plate. Sign up and see how stress-free family dinners can be.